# Inventory Planning

# Re-run algorithm

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

From the right hand side of the Navigation Bar select the Refresh icon

Re-run algorithm

The following columns: Reorder Point, Reorder Quantity, Safety Stock, Reorder Date, Runout Date, Missing/Excess will get updated and the screen will be refreshed

Refreshed numbers

# Check the In Stock quantity

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the In Stock quantity and click on that number

Expected quantity

A pop-up will appear where you can see all the inventory for that item

Inventory for item

# Check the Expected quantity

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the Expected quantity and click on that number

Click on expected quantity

A pop-up will appear where you can see all the open purchase orders containing that particular item

Open POs with a particular item

If you click on the Supplier you can further see the details of that supplier and you can also edit those details

Click on Vendor

Vendor details

If you click on the purchase order number you can see what other items are on that purchase order

Click on PO number

Another pop-up will open where you can see the details of that particular purchase order

Purchase order details

# Check the Manufacturing quantity

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the Manufacturing quantity and click on that number

Click on manufacturing quantity

A pop-up will appear where you can see all the open manufacturing orders containing that particular item

Open MOs with a particular item

If you click on the manufacturing order number you can see what other items are on that manufacturing order

Click on PO number

Another pop-up will open where you can see the details of that particular manufacturing order

Manufacturing order details

If you want to see the bill of material (if it has one) for a particular item simply click on the item number or the item description

Click of item for viewing bill of material

A pop-up will open with the bill of material and you can see from here the quantities available, expected, and that will be used for manufacturing for each of the raw materials

Bill of material details for item

In this pop-up you can click on the in stock quantity to see in which warehouses you have the item available and in what quantities

Click on in stock

Inventory for item

In the previous pop-up you can click on the expected quantity to see the open purchase orders containing that particular item

Click on expected

In the pop-up with the open purchase orders you can further drill down to see the contents of a particular purchase order

Open purchase orders containing item

In the previous pop-up you can click on the manufacturing quantity to see the open manufacturing orders containing that particular item

Click on manufacturing

In the pop-up with the open manufacturing orders you can further drill down to see the contents of a particular manufacturing order

Open manufacturing orders containgin the item

# Check the Demand quantity

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the Manufacturing quantity and click on that number

Click on demand quantity

A pop-up will appear where you can see all the open sales orders containing that particular item

Open SOs with a particular item

If you click on the manufacturing order number you can see what other items are on that manufacturing order

Click on SO number

Another pop-up will open where you can see the details of that particular sales order

Manufacturing order details

If you want to see the bill of material (if it has one) for a particular item simply click on the item number or the item description

Click of item for viewing bill of material

A pop-up will open with the bill of material and you can see from here the quantities available, expected, and that will be used for manufacturing for each of the raw materials

Bill of material details for item

In this pop-up you can click on the in stock quantity to see in which warehouses you have the item available and in what quantities

Click on in stock

Inventory for item

In the previous pop-up you can click on the expected quantity to see the open purchase orders containing that particular item

Click on expected

In the pop-up with the open purchase orders you can further drill down to see the contents of a particular purchase order

Open purchase orders containing item

In the previous pop-up you can click on the manufacturing quantity to see the open manufacturing orders containing that particular item

Click on manufacturing

In the pop-up with the open manufacturing orders you can further drill down to see the contents of a particular manufacturing order

Open manufacturing orders containgin the item

# Check the Forecast quantity

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the Expected quantity and click on that number

Click on forecast quantity

A pop-up will appear where you can see all the open forecast orders containing that particular item

Open FOs with a particular item

If you click on the Customer you can further see the details of that customer and you can also edit those details

Click on Vendor

Vendor details

If you click on the forecast order number you can see what other items are on that forecast order

Click on PO number

Another pop-up will open where you can see the details of that particular forecast order

Purchase order details

# Past Demand Graph

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the Demand graph, hover over it and click on the bar icon on the right hand side

Click on bar icon

A pop-up will appear where you can see the aggregated demand from past orders for that item grouped by month for the past year

Aggregated demand for a particular item

# Demand Heatmap

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the Demand graph, hover over it and click on the calendar icon on the right hand side

Click on calendar icon

In this pop-up you can see the aggregated demand and forecast by date in calendar form. The darker colour indicates a higher demand/forecast on that particular date.s

Demand for a particular item

You can further click on a date to see the details for that day.

Click on date

At the lower side of the pop-up you will see the demand/forecast orders for that date.

Details for a particular date

# Buying History Graph

From the top menu navigate to the Inventory Planning Screen

Navigate to Inventory Planning

Select the item for which you want to see the Demand graph, hover over it and click on the speed icon on the right hand side

Click on speed icon

A pop-up will appear where you can see all the vendors from which you bought that item, the quantity, and the price.

Buying prices for a particular item

# Advanced actions

For customizing column names, order of the columns, creating and saving a view, exporting to Excel and other advanced features see our Advanced menu section

# Column explanation

# Item Number

Represents the item number that is used to uniquely identify an item in the system. This number needs to be unique, and can have both numbers and letters.

# Item Description

Represents the item description corresponding to a particular item number.

# Item Type

This represents the type of the item and it can either be "Raw Material" or "Finished Good". The type of the item is used for manufacturing when creating bill of materials for items.

# In Stock

Is the total quantity available in inventory for a particular item across all warehouses.

# Expected

Is the total quantity expected for an item from all non-closed purchase orders.

# Manufacturing

Is the total quantity on all non-closed manufacturing orders. For Raw Material items this quantity is negative since the raw materials are being used to manufacture finished goods. For Finished Goods this number is positive since these materials are being created from the manufacturing process.

# Demand

Is the total quantity expected for an item from all non-closed sales orders.

# Forecast

Is the total quantity expected for an item from all non-closed forecast orders.

# Reorder Point

The reorder point indicates the level at which that particular item needs to be replenished, so once the inventory quantity reaches that level you will need to place a purchase order with the reorder quantity.

# Reorder Qty

The quantity that needs to be order once the item reaches the reorder point.

# Safety Stock

The level of extra inventory that is maintained, in order to mitigate the risk of stockouts.

# Reorder Date

The date at which the inventory is expected to reach the reorder point.

# Runout Date

The date at which the level of inventory is expected to reach 0.

# Missing/Excess

The level of inventory that is in excess or missing, given the planned time horizon.