# Table of contents
Advanced Menu |
Opening the advanced table menu |
Exporting to excel |
Customize a view |
Managing views |
Bill of materials |
Create an bill of materials |
Edit a bill of materials |
View the bill of materials for an item |
Delete a bill of materials |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced Actions |
Customer master |
Create a customer |
Edit a customer |
View ship to locations of an customer |
Delete a customer |
Move a ship to location from one customer to another |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced Actions |
External item master |
Create an external item |
Edit an external item |
View mappings for an item |
Delete all mappings for an item |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced Actions |
Inventory |
Create inventory |
Edit inventory |
View inventory details |
View expected orders for a particular item |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced actions |
Column explanation |
Item master |
Create an item |
Edit an item |
Change an item type |
Change an item status |
View subitems of an item |
Delete an item |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced actions |
Supplier master |
Create a supplier |
Edit a supplier |
View ship from locations of an supplier |
Delete a supplier |
Move a ship from location from one supplier to another |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced actions |
Unit Master |
Create a unit |
Edit a unit |
Delete a unit |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced actions |
Uploading |
Can I bulk upload data? |
Downloading templates |
Uploading data |
Warehouse master |
Create a warehouse |
Edit a warehouse |
Delete a warehouse |
Bulk upload data |
Advanced actions |