
We've got answers
to your questions

Learn how to manage and boost your supply chain efficiency inside your company without getting a headache.


How do I reset my password?

Navigate to your instance page, this is usually <company name>.knosc.com (e.g. test.knosc.com). From the login screen, you will see a “Forgot password?” option. Click on the link and enter the email associated with your account. You will receive an email with instructions for resetting your password.

What is my username?

When you signed up, your username was sent to you via email. If you forgot it, you can always use your email as your user name to sign in.

How do I change my username?

Once you are logged into the system, from the top right-hand corner click on the dropdown menu and select Profile. From there you can see all the details associated with your account.


Can I add multiple users?

Yes, but you will need Administrator privileges in the system to do it.

Can I restrict what some users have access to?

Yes, you can create Roles and assign those roles to users. A role can have either View or Edit privileges. You can also hide certain screens from a group of users, by removing that screen from the privileges.


Is my data shared with anyone?

We take privacy and security very seriously. Thus each customer has their own instance with a secured database where all the data is stored. This database is not shared with anyone else.

Can I access my data from anywhere?

Yes, since all our services are cloud-based and you can access all your data securely from anywhere in the world.

Sign Up

Do I need a credit card to sign up for the free trial?

No, you do not need a credit card to sign up for the free trial.

Can I sign up using any email address?

We require our users to use their business email addresses when they sign up. That is how we ensure that our users have individual and secured instances of our software.